The siege of Sderot: Hamas terrorists indiscriminately gun down motorists before seizing control of police station…which Israel army brings down on them as their tomb

Motorists will stop buying new petrol and diesel cars as early as 2028, green think tank forecasts

Motorists may be slapped with ‘barmy’ new car tax changes with pay per mile considered

Drivers urged to ‘think twice’ as motorists have cars stolen by remote-controlled robots

Driving abroad car insurance claims soar as motorists issued key August warning

Drivers unaware of ‘legal requirement’ which could see motorists hit with £5,000 fine

Motorists can be issued £100 fine and three penalty points after using common driving tip

Motorists could be hit with £1,300 fine for failing to disable feature when driving abroad

‘Millions of motorists’ to be affected by new car parking rule changes under consideration

Motorists warned drink driving is ‘never ever worth it’ as deaths rise