Ryanair-Passagiere werden vor Masern gewarnt: „Suchen Sie dringend ärztlichen Rat“ | Großbritannien | Nachrichten

Why I won’t give my child the MMR jab: Brutally honest verdict of mother who insists she is not an anti-vaxxer – as a top expert debunks her widely-believed concerns in hope of convincing hesitant parents to get their kids jabbed

MMR vaccine pop-up clinics to be set-up in schools in bid to thwart measles outbreak as officials urge ‘Wakefield generation’ to come forward for jabs in unprecedented catch-up campaign

UK declares ‘national incident’ over measles outbreak: Interactive map reveals nearly HALF of children in parts of east London have not had the MMR jab – as experts say distrust of vaccines has increased post-Covid

Da eine geringe Aufnahme von Impfungen zum Ausbruch von Masern führt … Ich bin der Beweis dafür, dass Sie nie zu alt sind, um die MMR zu benötigen

Wir haben festgestellt, dass viele Schulen in Ohio in Bezug auf das erforderliche Vax nachlässig sind

How fake news about Covid vaccine could be pushing return of MMR refuseniks

England’s MMR vaccine postcode lottery with 40% of children in parts of London missing out on jab