Aaron Rodgers lehnte es ab, Vizepräsident und Running Mate von RFK Jr. zu werden

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. unveils millionaire lawyer Nicole Shanahan as his VP pick: Independent introduces ex-wife of Google co-founder Sergey Brin as his running mate

Knicks Trade Target weckt als Victor Wembanyama Running Mate das Interesse der Spurs

Freedom at last for America’s loneliest manatee: Romeo, 67, is finally moved to a new home along with his mate Juliet after beloved mammal was left to live out his twilight years alone in tiny 30ft concrete pool in Miami

These bats are the only mammals known to mate more like birds

We’ve got your backs, mate: Australian police step up recruitment pitch to ‘steal’ hundreds of officers by luring them Down Under – promising they won’t drag them through hell if they shoot someone

Das chinesische Unternehmen Huawei bringt das Smartphone Mate 60 Pro+ zum Vorverkauf auf den Markt

China umgeht westliches 5G-Chip-Embargo mit neuem Huawei Mate 60-Telefon | Huawei