‘The High Seas’ tells of the many ways humans are laying claim to the ocean

King pays tribute to Britain’s war dead: Charles unites the nation as he leads Remembrance Sunday service at the Cenotaph, with royals, senior politicians and dignitaries laying poppy wreaths to honour the fallen – hours after protest violence in London

Republican Congressman Unloads On Teenage Senate Pages Laying On Capitol Rotunda Floor

Spanish locals are spotted laying out their towels in prime spots on Costa Blanca beach before dawn – as study reveals Brits DO get a thrill out of getting to poolside sun-loungers first

Rachel Hale, nurse who witness youths laying siege to Alice Springs hotel, breaks silence

Haunting video shows widower of Texas teacher laying flowers at memorial just hours before he died

Dominic Cummings criticises Boris Johnson in wake of Covid report laying bare No10’s failures