Emmanuel Macron warns of the ‘return of Islamist terrorism’ and says ‘all European states are vulnerable’ after ISIS fanatic gunned down two Swedish football fans in Brussels and teacher was knifed to death in France

Brit ‘danger tourist’ Lord Miles who was arrested by Taliban in Afghanistan is ‘alive… and VERY well’: Daredevil is ‘living in luxury – and is even planning to open a gold mine after befriending his Islamist captors’, thrillseeker’s ‘friend’ claims on X

Ein Jahr der Taliban-Herrschaft – wie sich das Leben von Frauen in Afghanistan verändert hat – BBC News – BBC News

JK Rowling gets DEATH THREAT from Islamist after Salman Rushdie attack

Der Mörder des französischen Polizisten war ein radikalisierter Islamist, sagt der Staatsanwalt