Mutilated by a cut price cosmetic surgeon in Turkey: Sara thought she’d found a bargain abroad. But now she has holes in her stomach and suffers constant pain – and, as these alarming stories reveal, she’s far from the only victim

Active supermassive black holes may be rarer than previously thought

Die Welt wird nie die Wahrheit über die Rabbit Holes von YouTube erfahren

Researchers Poke Holes in Safety Controls of ChatGPT and Other Chatbots

Weird black holes may hold secrets of the early universe

Black holes resolve paradoxes by destroying quantum states

Scientists find first evidence that black holes are the source of mysterious dark energy 

Wissenschaftler identifizieren Schlüsselmerkmale von A ** HOLES, einschließlich Manipulation, Aggression und Anspruch

Build Back Better Act Would Patch Holes in Health Coverage