‘If someone gave me a million quid, I still wouldn’t have a kid’: Meet the defiant generation of women who refuse to give up their lifestyles and careers to raise a family. Selfish… or just admirably single-minded?

So how often ARE other couples having sex? After comedian Katherine Ryan reveals she’s on a twice-a-month schedule, six brave women give (very candid) insights into their love lives

Five bitter rows EVERY couple has – but can easily solve: The world’s top relationship therapists (who’ve been blissfully married for 36 years) give their expert advice on how to fight right

DINAH VAN TULLEKEN and husband Chris loved growing up in big families. But, as she prepares to give birth again, she asks: Why do I feel so guilty for having baby No 3?

These snails give live birth, and it’s the babies that may do the labor

CHRISTMAS HEALTH QUIZ 2023: What £6,000 test was Kim Kardashian lambasted for promoting? Why was Night Nurse banned? And what name did Fergie give to her new breast?

Author Cait Corrain apologizes for creating fake Goodreads accounts to give bad reviews to rival non-white writers – and then falsely claiming a friend did it – in echoes of the plot of Yellowface

Letzte Chance, am letzten Tag des Black Friday-Verkaufs bei Give Me Cosmetics den halben Preis zu sparen

They head-hunt men at gallery openings, give you tips on how to woo them, and even send you on a Harvey Nichols shopping spree… What happened when I tried the £8k dating agency for singles too posh to swipe

Pharmacists should not be treated as ‘substitutes for GPs’, campaigners say as NHS hands chemists powers to give women the Pill and dole out antibiotics to free up millions of appointments