Far-right Vox vows to back conservative Feijóo ‘for free’ – POLITICO

German far-right party calls EU a “failed project” – EURACTIV.com

German far-right threatens to leave EU if it’s not reformed – EURACTIV.com

Austrian leader backs far-right idea of enshrining cash in constitution – EURACTIV.com

French Journalists Call Off Strike, Failing to Block ‘Far-Right’ Editor

French newspaper staff ends strike against new far-right editor – POLITICO

German far-right led into European elections by anti-EU hardliner – EURACTIV.com

Denmark floats Quran-burning ban after far-right protests – POLITICO

Thousands protest against Germany’s far-right AfD party – EURACTIV.com

Belgium’s trans-friendly reputation faces far-right rise – POLITICO