Would You Drive an Extra Five Minutes to Save the Planet?

‘My boyfriend’s shameless trick to get extra legroom on a flight works every time’ | Travel News | Travel

State pension inheritance explained: Can widows and widowers get extra payments? | Personal Finance | Finance

EXCLUSIVE: Background actors reveal very dark truth about AI in Hollywood – detailing how they were ‘SCANNED’ on sets and forced to sign over their likenesses ‘in perpetuity’ WITHOUT the offer of any extra pay

Jobseeker boost: Centrelink recipients to receive an extra $16 a fortnight from September

Mortgage warning as those who overpay could miss out on extra £42,000 | Personal Finance | Finance

Overpay the mortgage or invest for retirement? The ‘extra boost you won’t get elsewhere’ | Personal Finance | Finance

Cruise guest explains how they don’t ‘spend a penny extra’ on a cruise holiday | Cruise | Travel

Ministers concerns over EU pesticide cut plans persist after Commission’s extra study – EURACTIV.com

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