Junior doctors stage SIX-DAY walkout in NHS’ longest ever strike: Medics accused of ‘act of cruelty’ and ‘holding NHS to ransom’ by striking at busiest time of year – with more than 200,000 appointments at risk

His transformation shocked the nation… Now GREGG WALLACE reveals how he lost 5 stone WITHOUT dieting after doctors warned him he was heading for a heart attack

How one in TWELVE women carry mutation that increases the risk of blood clots when taking the Pill… so why DON’T doctors test for genetic quirk before dishing out the contraceptive willy-nilly?

Doctors must stop over-prescribing antidepressants to patients who are just lonely, demand leading experts

What London’s mayor learned when he took on the cars – POLITICO

Why booze has got so much stronger since the 1970s that doctors now say you shouldn’t drive even after having one drink – as chart reveals how many units are REALLY in your wine, beer and spirits

There’s no such thing as a ‘safe amount’ you can drink and drive on: Doctors say even ONE can tip you over the edge as they warn booze has ‘got stronger’ since the 60s

Israel-Hamas LIVE: Israeli soldiers storm Gaza’s al Shifa hospital in ‘targeted operation’ to root out Hamas terrorists as doctors inside describe ‘terrifying’ situation for trapped patients