Want to avoid Alzheimer’s? What the experts do themselves to slash their risk of getting the memory-robbing disorder…

Apps and social media influencers are wrongly making middle-aged women think they have ADHD, experts warn… so are YOUR symptoms a sign of the disorder or totally normal?

CHARLOTTE GILL: ‘I’ve been told I have ADHD but I DON’T think it’s a disorder… it’s just who I am’

Liz has been a fussy eater all her life. Now experts say people like her may actually have a little-known eating disorder

Who needs balance when you can starve yourself on a fruit only diet? Thin is in, baby! That’s the appalling advice an AI chatbot gave our reporter when she posed as a teenager with an eating disorder

Is this the beginning of the end for Alzheimer’s? Experimental vaccine prevents disease in early study – adding to year of dementia breakthroughs. So take our interactive map to see how many have memory-robbing disorder in YOUR county

The many tragedies of Celine Dion’s life as she announces she’s battling a neurological disorder

Former high-flying financier, 43, reveals she almost died from rare blood disorder

Gedicht: „When My Gender is First Named Disorder“