UK’s prostate cancer revolution: ‘Biggest trial in a generation’ could lead to a screening programme that slashes disease’s death toll by 40%, top experts hope

How your pet CAT is a major harborer of deadly diseases – after felines were blamed for first Alaskapox death and return of ancient plague

Australia weather: Frantic flood warning for Victoria and no end in sight to the Queensland deluge – as experts brace for terrifying outbreak of killer diseases to be unleashed

EXCLUSIVE: America’s frightening new bat lab: $12m taxpayer-funded NIH research facility in Colorado will import bats from Asia and infect them with deadly diseases – in project with China-linked scientists

Why sewage may hold the key to tracking diseases far beyond COVID-19

How Covid lockdowns opened Pandora’s box of diseases: From old foes like polio to new enemies like monkeypox – how avoiding common germs left us MORE vulnerable to outbreaks

A New Approach to M.S. Could Transform Treatment of Other Diseases

Are we REALLY at a ‘turning point in the fight against Alzheimer’s’? Breakthrough new drugs halt cruel disease’s decline… but experts warn crippling side effects (and cost) may outweigh any benefits

Freshwater leeches’ taste for snails could help control snail-borne diseases

Are we proof that a new drug to stop diseases like arthritis and type 1 diabetes really DOES work?