Football injuries nearly destroyed Jim McMahon. Somehow, he keeps coming back

Queen Letizia of Spain is seen with poker-faced husband King Felipe for the first time since bombshell book claims he was ‘crushed and destroyed’ by her ‘infidelities’

Inside WILD tale of Playboy bunny Jayne Gaskin whose desperate dream of living on a private island oasis destroyed her family amid sordid affairs and KIDNAP plot that claimed the life of her hero partner

Paul Simon’s friendship with Art Garfunkel destroyed by jealousy, ‘uneven partnership’

My dream of motherhood has been snatched away from me: Agony of woman in her 40s whose embryos may have been destroyed by ‘fault’ in freezing process at top NHS fertility clinic

A Palestinian Whose Childhood Was Destroyed by War Pleads for Peace

Japan’s earthquake horror sparks panic buying after tens of thousands of homes were destroyed in west coast disaster zone and at least 48 people killed – with warnings MORE strong quakes are coming

The Neighbors Who Destroyed Their Lives

Local News Has Been Destroyed. Here’s How We Can Revive It.

Israeli tanks roll into Gaza as full ground invasion looms: New footage shows armoured units inside enclave after it was pounded in night of strikes that ‘killed terror attack mastermind’ and destroyed 150 underground bases