Furious Fergie explodes at Cannes Film Festival audience during Queen artwork auction and tells them to shut up and be quiet as she blasts them for ‘looking for the next party’ when they should be ‘worrying about climate’

Princess Martha Louise has pre-wedding fallout with her future mother-in-law: Norwegian royal blasts claims by her shaman fiancé’s mother that he grew up poor and insists he was ‘one of the richest kids in school’ and was raised in a $3m property

Taylor Swift DENIES she secretly married ex Joe Alwyn in 2020: Singer’s rep blasts ‘insane’ online rumor and claims it caused star ‘pain and trauma’

EXCLUSIVE: ‘Demonic’ off-shore wind farms are blamed for New Jersey whale deaths: Former SNL star reveals ‘green energy companies’ are sending ultra-loud blasts into water every 10 seconds that make mammals think predators are chasing them

Taylor Swift blasts Travis Kelce into Hollywood stardom; romance a gamble for NFL star

DeSantis Blasts Left-Wing Reporter For Defending Democrats On Abortion

Minneapolis cop is sentenced to nearly five years in prison for aiding and abetting killing of George Floyd – as judge blasts him for ‘preaching’ in court and not showing remorse

Kai Havertz ‘can’t hit a barn door’, says Jamie O’Hara, as he BLASTS Arsenal new man for misses in Community Shield final

Rapper Ne-Yo Blasts Parents Who Let Their Kids Change Genders: ‘Forgotten What The Role Of A Parent Is’

‘I Am Livid’: Sinema Blasts Former Boss Schumer For NY Getting Roughly Double Immigration Funding