Adam Kinzinger: Kevin McCarthy Is the Man to Blame

Why is there a housing shortage in the UK? Builders blame planning but have dished out £16bn to shareholders

Hamas leaders claim Israel’s proof over who is to blame for Gaza hospital bombing is an ‘outrageous lie’ – despite IDF producing wiretapped call, video of ‘misfiring’ rocket and satellite photos to prove they didn’t launch missile

Americans Are More Violent Than Ever, and We Have No One to Blame but Ourselves

The 30-something women who have NEVER had a boyfriend – and they all blame modern dating culture

Bad hair day? Blame your genes: These four newly-discovered mutations influence the direction follicles grow

Used car prices tumble with ‘pressure on households’ to blame

Iranians Blame Power Grid and Gas Shortage for Shutdown Amid Heat

King’s ‘lack of sparkle’ to blame for Australian Commonwealth Games withdrawal, says local | Royal | News