Junior doctors stage SIX-DAY walkout in NHS’ longest ever strike: Medics accused of ‘act of cruelty’ and ‘holding NHS to ransom’ by striking at busiest time of year – with more than 200,000 appointments at risk

Pharmacists should not be treated as ‘substitutes for GPs’, campaigners say as NHS hands chemists powers to give women the Pill and dole out antibiotics to free up millions of appointments

Price of worst strike in NHS history laid bare: ‘Devastated’ patients left in tears as they face weeks of suffering while waiting for new appointments and warn lives are at risk due to mass medic walkouts

One in six GPs fail to give patients face-to-face appointments with many medics saying they are ‘unable to meet demand’

Major change to GP appointments as up to a million patients will be offered fast-track heart and lung tests under plans to combat record NHS backlog

WaPo editor downplays Hillary Clinton’s email scandal: Mostly ‘cooking recipes and appointments’

GP recovery plan designed to free up millions of appointments ‘won’t work’

140,000 cancelled operations and appointments: How badly have NHS strikes hit YOUR hospital?

NHS crisis: Why are Brits still struggling to get GP appointments?

NHS nurse strike threaten Christmas chaos: Fears for cancer appointments and elderly patients