Ancient viruses helped speedy nerves evolve

How your pet CAT is a major harborer of deadly diseases – after felines were blamed for first Alaskapox death and return of ancient plague

A four-holed piece of ivory provides a glimpse into ancient rope-making

I’m an expert on Ancient Rome – here’s how the BBC’s Gladiators TV show compares to the REAL fighters 2,000 years ago

What DID happen to the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World…and did the Hanging Gardens of Babylon ever exist at all? As tourists continue to flock to Giza’s Giant Pyramid, author reveals the humbling fate of the other six

An ancient, massive urban complex has been found in the Ecuadorian Amazon

How ancient herders rewrote northern Europeans’ genetic story

Britain’s hidden RAINFORESTS: Incredible maps reveal the beautiful ancient habitats dotted across the UK – as experts warn they’re some of the most endangered areas in the world

Ancient primates’ unchipped teeth hint that they ate mostly fruit