From cooking dinner to doing the housework, the shocking diary entries by two couples that reveal how doing the chores pushes their relationships to the brink

After Keir Starmer was urged to ‘shed a few pounds’ by Labour’s Peter Mandelson, how does the leader’s lifestyle shape up against Rishi Sunak?

Rishi Sunak’s wife Akshata Murty ditches the Sam Cam-era midi dress in favour of £875 coral suit with the royal seal of approval as she makes a speech at Tory Party Conference

Rishi Sunak und Akshata Murty kaufen auf einem Weihnachtsmarkt in der Downing Street ein

Slobby-Chic! Rishis Frau Akshata Murty entscheidet sich für eine 50-Pfund-Pelzweste, als sie wieder in Nr. 10 einzieht