Prince Harry and William will never heal rift as experts say ‘ship has sailed’ | Royal | News

Prince Harry and Prince William will never heal the rift between them as that “ship has well and truly sailed”, according to a royal expert.

The brothers, who were once said to be especially close, have grown ever more distant over the years, with Harry writing in Spare that his older brother and sister-in-law, Princess Kate, had a difficult relationship with his own wife Meghan Markle.

Harry and Meghan’s relationship was said to the cause of a physical fight that broke out between the princes in 2019, although many have stated that their sibling rivalry stretches back into their childhood.

Hannah Fernando, Executive Editor Woman magazine, told True Royalty TV’s The Royal Beat: “I think that ship has well and truly sailed.

“There’s too much water under the bridge, there are too many people involved. The trust has gone, and that’s very difficult to gain again.”

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Ingrid Seward, Editor in Chief of Majesty Magazine, claimed on the programme: “[The press] painted this lovely picture that they were great friends, but they weren’t.

“There was always huge rivalry between them. They were never really great friends and I can’t see [them coming back together] until maybe many, many years in the future.

“If disaster struck one or other of them, that would bring them together. But I cannot see it happening [otherwise].”

The dynamic between William as the ‘heir’ and Harry as the ‘spare’ is one that always haunted the younger prince, as he wrote in his book of his fear that he could be used as an organ donor for William should something befall him.

The feud between the Sussexes and the rest of the Firm has led to their snub from an unofficial ceremony to mark one year since the death of Queen Elizabeth.

King Charles and Queen Camilla, William and Kate, and Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson are all thought to be invited to a commemoration to be held while they are at Balmoral on September 8.

Coincidentally the Sussexes will be in Europe that week as they travel to Germany for the opening of the 2023 Invictus Games on September 9.

An insider has said the couple will mark the anniversary in their own way, as both of them travelled back to the UK to attend her funeral last year.

Harry and Meghan are normally invited to official royal events, such as the King and Queen’s Coronation earlier this year, but the Duke is not thought to have interacted with his father or brother at all during his brief trip to Westminster Abbey.

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