Ketanji Brown Jackson’s Historic Hearing Begins—Along With the Inevitable GOP Freak-Out

It’s confirmation week for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s pick to replace Justice Stephen Breyer on the Supreme Court. Jackson happens to be a Black woman, so that means we will see more concentrated racist innuendo and overt bigotry from the Republican Party this week than at any time since Donald Trump attempted to rile up a mob to depose the incoming administration. If the Democrats were good at optics, they’d hand out a dog whistle to everyone in the hearing room and instruct them to blow it every time a Republican levied a racist attack.

Republicans are going to lean into the racism and misogyny that motivates their base because they have nothing else to throw at the nominee. Judge Jackson is impeccably qualified, immaculately credentialed, and incredibly well-equipped for a position on the Supreme Court. She has sat on a federal bench for nine years and, if confirmed, will come to the court with more judicial experience than four current Supreme Court justices combined. She spent two years as a federal public defender, so she’ll also arrive with more experience on the defense side of the courtroom than any justice since Thurgood Marshall. And her moral qualifications far exceed the likes of the alleged attempted rapist Brett Kavanaugh or the perpetually compromised Clarence Thomas.

Jackson will spend the week in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. Chaired by Senator Dick Durbin, the committee consists of 11 Democrats and 11 Republicans, who count Senator Charles Grassley as their ranking member. Monday will consist of opening statements. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the senators will get to ask questions (each senator should have about 30 minutes during the initial round of questions). And Thursday will feature character witnesses brought to speak on behalf of Judge Jackson. Assuming the committee votes to confirm, her nomination will then go to the full Senate.

Once there, and assuming Democrats can hang together, Jackson doesn’t actually need any Republican votes to be confirmed. That’s because Mitch McConnell removed the filibuster in 2017 in order to push Donald Trump’s nominees (ultimately Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett) onto the court. Jackson could therefore be confirmed on a simple party-line vote. She could even win over a few Republicans, should the three who voted last year to elevate her to the US Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit ( Susan Collins, Lindsey Graham, and Lisa Murkowski) decide to do so again.

Put simply: While one should never underestimate the ability of the craven wing of the Democratic Party to throw Black women under the bus, Jackson should be confirmed to the Supreme Court. One might expect her confirmation hearing should go more or less like that of Elena Kagan, an Obama nominee who was confirmed during a midterm election year to replace another liberal and thus did not change the balance of power on the court.

And yet. Republicans are still going to Republican. Even if they can’t stop Ketanji Brown Jackson, they’re going to engage in all manner of nastiness, just to rile up their racist, violent base. Republicans demonize Black people because it makes them money, and their attacks on Jackson will be repeated in fundraising material all across the country. Here then is an overview of what to watch out for over the next few days during the confirmation hearings.

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