How to get rid of spiders from homes: 96p staple ‘wards off’ the pests for good

The average home is likely to have around 40 spiders, according to Pest UK so it’s hardly surprising they sometimes make an appearance.

Most of the time, spiders will remain hidden in cracks and crevices but occasionally one or two will make themselves known to homeowners.

And while the average home will have around 40 spiders, older properties could be home to hundreds of the pests.

With spider mating season just around the corner, and with the weather remaining cool and wet, some homeowners may have noticed more of the critters indoors.

With this in mind, fans of cleaning sensation Mrs Hinch, whose full name is Sophie Hinchliffe, have shared how they get rid of spiders from their home.

Mrs Hinch is a cleaning and lifestyle influencer with more than 4.7 million followers on Instagram. She often shares her garden and home tips online and in recent years fans of hers have taken to social media to share their own hacks for solving common household problems.

Facebook user Ciara Mcdonnell wrote: “I keep finding loads of spiders around my house and I’m petrified. Does anybody have any tips to keep them away?”

The post was inundated with hundreds of responses but the most suggested solution was to use peppermint.

Mathilda Eliza Van Bentum-Morgan said: “They don’t like the smell of peppermint. I put some peppermint oil drops in water in a spray bottle and spray around. Smells fresh and no spiders.”

Tony Carter agreed and said: “Make up some peppermint spray. Use peppermint oil and water in equal parts and put in a spray bottle and spray it in every imaginable place a spider will go as the peppermint oil will keep them out of your house.”

Lynda Morgan wrote: “Peppermint oil mixed with water in a spray bottle and spray around air vents and places they are likely to come through.”

Fiona Campbell commented: “Put peppermint essential oil around windows and doors they don’t like it so won’t enter there.”

Sally Ann replied: “They don’t like peppermint, get some peppermint oil and place a few drops in corners of your property, it will smell lovely and ward off the spiders!”

Ava Bernard posted: “Mix peppermint oil and water in a spray bottle and spray wherever they appear. This will keep them away.” Jayne Dawkins said: “Peppermint. I ordered some, add water and spray around the house. Spiders hate the stuff.”

Peppermint oil can be bought online or from local pharmacies, health stores and supermarkets.

Peppermint Essential Oil Pure and Natural costs £2.23 from Amazon, Miaroma Peppermint Pure Essential Oil costs £4.50 from Holland & Barrett and Japanese Peppermint Oil costs 96p from PipingRock.

Other suggestions from Mrs Hinch fans included using spider deterrents like plug-ins, ready-made sprays, mothballs and conkers.

Anna Lisa said: “I just got some plug-in spider deterrents from eBay. They are meant to omit sound spiders don’t like that can’t be heard by humans or pets. So far seems to be working! I am going to be out collecting conkers too just in case.”

Alli Treharne Mcandrew wrote: “Conkers when they come out. Drill a hole and place them by doors and corners. They hate them, I’ve used them for years.”

Asih Setianti suggested: “Use a spider-repellent spray, it won’t kill them but they’ll move somewhere else which hasn’t been sprayed.” Pam Wilde commented: “Mothballs under and behind furniture and one mothball in every corner of every room.”

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