Covid cases could hit 463,000 by Christmas Eve and put 3% of the population in isolation

Britain could reach up to 460,000 daily Covid cases by Christmas Eve — forcing 2million people into isolation — if Omicron infections continue to increase as quickly as some scientists expect, analysis of official figures suggests.

Such huge numbers could partially paralyse the country, causing huge disruption from people being off work and threatening key services including the NHS, police and national grid.

While government contingency plans call for the military to be called into cover gaps in these services if they are hit by huge shortages, they are untested in the real world. 

The head of Guy’s and St Thomas’s Hospital trust in London — which looks after two of the largest hospitals in the country — this morning revealed 10 per cent of staff are currently off due to Covid.

Chris Whitty warned today that the Omicron wave was going to peak ‘very quickly’, with cases hitting their highest ever daily number yesterday and infections doubling every two or three days. He said the reason the situation was being taken ‘extremely seriously’ was because the NHS was going to face a ‘reduction in supply and increase in demand’. 

If the number of people testing positive — which is much lower than the actual number of infections occurring in the community because not everyone gets swabbed — also doubles every three days, then the UK’s average toll of daily cases could hit 462,704 on Christmas Eve. 

That would force roughly 2million people testing positive between now and then into isolation for 10 days, the equivalent of 3 per cent of the population. The true toll could be even higher, when their contacts who develop tell-tale symptoms are included.

But SAGE member Professor Andrew Hayward claimed that the true infection number would be much higher than that because the outbreak is spreading faster than tests can keep up. 

But Cambridge statistician Professor David Spiegelhalter described models predicting infections doubling every two days as ‘not sensible’ because people will not continue to socialise to the same level as prior to the discovery of Omicron. Others insisted it was ‘impossible’ that the outbreak would fail to slow down.

And health minister Gillian Keegan said the threat of having to isolate over Christmas is ‘bound to make people a bit more cautious’ in the run-up to the big day, which will have a knock-on effect on cases.  

Scientists have warned testing capacity across the country is likely to be overwhelmed over the coming days, with Government officials hoping to ramp up the country’s PCR base by 150,000 each day. Rapid lateral flow tests were unavailable on the NHS website for the first three days of the week, with the country currently averaging around 790,000 PCR tests a day.

If the number of people testing positive doubles every three days, then there would be 463,704 daily cases on Christmas Eve. That would force the 1.9million people testing positive between now and then into isolation for 10 days, the equivalent of 3 per cent of the population 

Such huge numbers could partially paralyse the country, causing 'huge disruption from people being off work' and threatening key services including the NHS and police, experts claimed. Graph shows: The number of NHS staff off work with Covid every day over the last two weeks. Dips on December 5 and 12 occurred on Sundays, when fewer staff are working and therefore less absences are expected. Figures are expected to increase in the coming weeks

Such huge numbers could partially paralyse the country, causing ‘huge disruption from people being off work’ and threatening key services including the NHS and police, experts claimed. Graph shows: The number of NHS staff off work with Covid every day over the last two weeks. Dips on December 5 and 12 occurred on Sundays, when fewer staff are working and therefore less absences are expected. Figures are expected to increase in the coming weeks

No10 plans to cover any gaps in NHS staffing, as well as other key services including the police, border force and energy sectors, with military personnel, according to The i.   

Deputy chief executive of NHS Providers Saffron Cordery today said there were already staff shortages due to the variant. 

She said: ‘Trust leaders are telling us Omicron is already creating staff shortages in the NHS. In Omicron hotspots like London, absences are starting to rise rapidly.’

Ms Cordery revealed the impact on the workloads for remaining staff is a ‘major challenge given the huge service demand currently across the NHS,’ and added: ‘This reinforces why having a jab is so important to protect staff and the public.’ 

Many scientists dispute the Government modelling which suggests Omicron cases will continue to double every two days, saying it does not account for behavioural changes or growing immunity.

Confirmed cases were doubling every week during the peak of the January wave of infections caused by the less transmissible Alpha variant, but that was before vaccines and only a small proportion of the population had prior immunity through infection. 

Ministers insist NO Plan C Covid curbs before Christmas 

Ministers today insisted they have no intention of imposing more coronavirus rules before Christmas as Tory MPs lashed out at Professor Chris Whitty for telling people to restrict socialising. 

Health Minister Gillian Keegan said the Government is ‘not intending to make any more restrictions’ between now and Christmas Day. 

But she said Boris Johnson ‘won’t hesitate’ to recall Parliament over the festive period if he believes he does need to bring in extra curbs amid growing fears that a Plan C could be rolled out immediately after Christmas.    

It came as Tory MP Joy Morrissey sparked a backlash by attacking England’s Chief Medical Officer after he used a Downing Street press conference last night to urge Brits to prioritise who they meet in the coming days.

Responding to a tweet about Prof Whitty urging people to prioritise their social interactions in order to stem the spread of the Omicron variant, she tweeted: ‘Perhaps the unelected covid public health spokesperson should defer to what our ELECTED Members of Parliament and the Prime Minister have decided.

‘I know it’s difficult to remember but that’s how democracy works. This is not a public health socialist state.’

Ms Morrissey, who is a Government parliamentary private secretary, the lowest rung on the ministerial ladder, subsequently deleted the tweet as she faced a wave of criticism. 

Labour’s shadow health secretary Wes Streeting called her comments ‘outrageous’ and demanded that she apologise.   

Tory former cabinet minister Julian Smith also appeared to criticise Ms Morrissey as he tweeted that ‘personal attacks by any politician’ on members of the civil service are ‘completely unacceptable’. 

Millions of Britons are now expected to be adjusting their festive plans in an attempt to ensure they can see their family on Christmas Day. 

Mr Johnson last night stopped short of telling people to cancel their plans but called for caution while Prof Whitty went further as he said people should restrict socialising. 

The comments triggered a ‘tsunami of cancellations’ for pubs and restaurants as many people are now voluntarily staying at home in a bid to avoid catching coronavirus. Anyone who tests positive from yesterday will have to isolate for 10 days, forcing them to miss festivities. 

The hospitality industry is demanding the Government urgently bring forward fresh financial support to help the sector survive.

MPs voted in favour of Mr Johnson’s Plan B measures of compulsory face masks and Covid passes for nightclubs and large venues on Tuesday evening but the PM suffered a huge Tory rebellion.

Prof Whitty reportedly held a call with a cross-party group of 80 MPs before the vote as he outlined the risks posed by Omicron, with Tory rebels saying his comments had actually boosted the rebellion. 

One rebel told The Times that Prof Whitty had ‘helped our case’ because ‘he said that nothing we were voting on would alter the size of the peak of infections’.

Currently, official daily confirmed cases are nowhere near yet doubling every two days. Yesterday’s 78,500 positive tests were up just 50 per cent in a week, for comparison. 

The rolling seven-day average of daily cases — a more accurate figure that isn’t skewed by potential blips in the data — suggests the rate is rising even slower. 

However, the true effects of Omicron have yet to be seen in the testing numbers. 

And cases are never as high as infections because only a fraction of people with the virus get swabbed.

MailOnline projected the potential uptick in confirmed cases over the next nine days, based on three different scenarios.

If the number of people testing positive doubles every four-and-a-half days, around 230,000 daily cases would be seen by December 24.  

At a slower pace of doubling every nine days, this would cause 115,000 daily infections by Christmas Eve. 

The figure based on if cases doubled every three days — the lower end of No10’s gloomiest estimate — was in the region of 460,000. 

Government advisers admit no-one knows exactly how the coming weeks will shape up, meaning it is possible none of the scenarios come true. 

But Professor Chris Whitty last night told a Downing St press conference that more records would be broken in the coming weeks, after the UK posted its highest ever number of daily cases, eclipsing the previous record by around 10,000.

Experts hope advice to scale back on social plans in the run-up to Christmas will help to curb the rapid spread of the virus, it is hoped.

And scientists have also insisted that cases can’t keep growing at the current pace. 

Professor Spiegelhalter told Times Radio: ‘If it kept on this doubling every two days, you get to 11million on Christmas Day and the entire country on New Year’s Eve. Now, this is not sensible. This is not going to happen. 

‘So it’s bound to curve off at some point. Some signs it is slowing down already. So these sort of extrapolations assuming keeping on doubling every two days, obviously can’t go on for a very long time.’

But he warned ‘millions’ of infections are inevitable over the coming week.

He said: ‘Millions of people are going to catch this over the next few weeks and months and this is going to cause huge disruption from people being off work or whatever. So that is, I think completely predictable. 

‘That we know that’s going to happen. So the effect on the NHS is of course what’s much more uncertain, in terms of, how many, what proportion would go to hospital? Will this be largely among younger people? 

‘That we still don’t know actually the severity of the virus if you get it, and so on. And so there’s huge uncertainty about what the actual impact will be. It could be considerably better than last winter, it could be worse.’

His comments were echoed by the Minister of State for Care, who said people are bound to ‘make a sensible choice’ over the next fortnight to avoid isolating on Christmas.

Ms Keegan told Sky News: ‘Everybody is urging caution. Most of us will know somebody now who’s positive with Covid, and that means if you’ve tested positive, then you’ll be in isolation over Christmas. 

But SAGE’s Professor Hayward suggested the astronomical number of infections being forecast by Government advisers could still come true yet.

He told BBC Breakfast: ‘If you think about getting a year’s worth of rain over a month, then you’re going to get flooding and potentially severe flooding, no matter how much you’ve shored up your defences.

LONDON -- Westminster Bridge looks very quiet during the morning rush hour in London today as Britons stay at home

LONDON — Westminster Bridge looks very quiet during the morning rush hour in London today as Britons stay at home

LIVERPOOL - Liverpool city centre is very quiet this lunchtime with the Town Hall seen in the background

LIVERPOOL – Liverpool city centre is very quiet this lunchtime with the Town Hall seen in the background

MANCHESTER -- People walk past quiet shops and bars in Manchester city centre today amid an increase in cases of Covid-19

MANCHESTER — People walk past quiet shops and bars in Manchester city centre today amid an increase in cases of Covid-19

‘And that’s the concern here — that that huge wave is going to cause lots of people to be off work having to isolate, which is going to cause disruption, and it’s going to spill over into people going into hospital.

‘Now the rate at which it spills over is uncertain because we don’t know exactly how severe it is yet, but we’ve no particular reason to think that it’s less severe than previous strains.

‘We know that Covid is always going to be less severe if you’ve been immunised but it may be that rather than the strain itself that’s making a lot of cases look less severe.’

He said more data should come around Christmas time or in the new year on severity, but added: ‘The trouble is, if you wait until then and don’t do anything to reduce the spread, then you’re in a much worse situation than if you take some action now.’

But others have dismissed the notion Omicron infections will continue doubling every two days, suggesting people will follow Professor Chris Whitty’s advice to prioritise only the most important social occasions this winter. 

Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious diseases expert at the University of East Anglia, told MailOnline: ‘If it carries on at the rate it’s going then by the end of the year — and given also that we only detect about 40 per cent of infections — we would have pretty much all of the UK population being infected. This is absolutely impossible.’

Meanwhile, experts have suggested Britain’s daily testing will not be able to keep up with the increase in infections caused by the Omicron variant. 

Jeffrey Barrett, who leads the Covid genomics initiative at the Sanger Institute, told The Daily Telegraph: ‘Testing capacity will almost certainly fail to keep up with Omicron. 

‘Even with best efforts we can scale supply linearly, but demand will grow exponentially. This will happen everywhere at almost the same time, so global supply chains of reagents, plastics, will struggle.’ 

The above graph shows the proportion of cases suspected to be Omicron because they do not have an S-gene (purple). PCR tests look for three genes to confirm a Covid infection but with Omicron one is so mutated that they only pick up two of them

The above graph shows the proportion of cases suspected to be Omicron because they do not have an S-gene (purple). PCR tests look for three genes to confirm a Covid infection but with Omicron one is so mutated that they only pick up two of them

A sign of what’s to come for England? Omicron-hotspot London’s Covid wave is soaring in EVERY age group except children… and ALL 25 areas of country with fastest-growing outbreaks are in the capital

Covid cases are now rising in every age group except young children in Omicron-hotspot London, according to official figures that lay bare the threat the NHS faces in the coming weeks.

The super-mutant variant, which is already dominant in the capital, has effectively sent the city of 10million into its own lockdown, with tens of thousands of workers staying at home today to avoid isolating over Christmas. 

Department of Health data shows London is now seeing just as many cases as last January, when it was battered by the Alpha variant and put under harsher measures than the rest of the country.

London’s spiralling crisis was initially driven by teenagers and adults in their 20s, 30s and 40s, who were seeing an uptick in cases two weeks before the ultra-infectious strain was first detected. Infections started to rise in the over-60s days after Omicron was confirmed to be in Britain, according to MailOnline analysis.

In another warning sign for the country, UK Health Security Agency data published today revealed the capital now has the 25 areas with the fastest growing outbreaks in England.

Experts have admitted the capital’s crisis will inevitably slow down because the virus will simply run out of room, and people adhere to dire warnings from Boris Johnson and Professor Chris Whitty’s plea to ‘prioritise’ the most important social events in the coming days.

And they said the astronomical spike in cases being seen in younger adults won’t necessarily occur in over-60s, who are most vulnerable to the virus. Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious diseases expert at the University of East Anglia, said: ‘This is partly because other age groups don’t socialise as much.’ 

He also said Britain’s booster vaccine drive — which prioritised older adults — should help to thwart the virus’s spread, even though three jabs won’t protect thousands from catching the virus and getting ill.

Scientist hopes it means the rapid increase in cases won’t necessarily translate into monumental pressure on the NHS. Data also shows two vaccines can still drastically slash the risk of severe illness, with Chris Whitty today hinting three jabs against Omicron may be even better than two against Delta.

Hospitalisations in the capital are going up faster than in other regions, concerning official data shows. But on average 153 people are being admitted with the virus every day, barely an eighth of the peak last January when it hit 800.

Up-to-date Government statistics breaking down infection rates by age group only go up until December 10, so the true trajectory of London’s outbreak will be even bleaker now.

And the same trend of cases rising in older adults has yet to be seen across the other regions of England, which have yet to be struck as badly by Omicron. Experts say the capital is more vulnerable to the variant because it is an international hub and had lower vaccination rates than other regions when the variant began to spread. 

The above graph shows the infection rate in age groups compared to the same time a week ago. It reveals that cases are now more than doubling week-on-week among adults in their 20s, and rising in all over-15s

The above graph shows the infection rate in age groups compared to the same time a week ago. It reveals that cases are now more than doubling week-on-week among adults in their 20s, and rising in all over-15s

The above graph shows the % change in Covid infection rates in England week-on-week. It reveals that nationally cases are now also surging among adults in their 20s and beginning to rise in other age groups

The above graph is from the UK Health Security Agency's weekly report. It shows that the infection rate in London has skyrocketed after the super-transmissible Omicron variant took hold

The above graph is from the UK Health Security Agency’s weekly report. It shows that the infection rate in London has skyrocketed after the super-transmissible Omicron variant took hold

This graph shows the infection rate in London for the under-60s and the over-60s. It reveals that while cases are surging in under-60s, there now appears to be an uptick for over-60s as well. Experts hope the boosters will stop this rising sharply but Professor Chris Whitty said today these could rise very fast along with hospitalisations in the coming days

This graph shows the infection rate in London for the under-60s and the over-60s. It reveals that while cases are surging in under-60s, there now appears to be an uptick for over-60s as well. Experts hope the boosters will stop this rising sharply but Professor Chris Whitty said today these could rise very fast along with hospitalisations in the coming days 

Department of Health statistics showed the infection rate for people in their late 20s in the capital has doubled in a week from 420.7 to 972.4 cases per 100,000 people. And among the early 20s it has jumped from 372.3 to 865.8.

There is also an uptick among older people who are more vulnerable to the virus, with rates among over-60s rising almost 40 per cent in a week from 115.7 to 158.8.

The only age group where cases are pointing down is five to 14-year-olds, where they are dropping by about five per cent week-on-week. 

Where are infections rising fastest in London? 

The capital had 25 of the areas with the fastest growing Covid outbreaks last week, official data shows.

It comes as the Omicron variant takes hold in the capital, and may be an early warning sign for the rest of the country.

The figures were revealed in the UK Health Security Agency’s weekly Covid surveillance report 






Tower Hamlets












Waltham Forest
















Covid case rate

































% rise in a week

































A total of 80 per cent of over-60s have already received a booster in England, NHS figures show.

Despite Covid cases rising astronomically, London today woke up to a lockdown by stealth with millions staying home rather than running the gauntlet of catching the virus.

Millions want to avoid being infected before Christmas Day, for fear of being ordered to self-isolate and missing spending the festive season with their loved ones.

Last year Britons were told not to mix with people outside their household on Christmas Day, keeping many families apart.

Roads in London were the quietest they have been during the morning rush-hour on any term-time weekday since the summer today.

The city centre was also left deserted, with pubs empty as people shun going into the office. 

Professor Whitty said today that the fall in social mixing suggests some of the worst predictions on hospitalisations and deaths may not come true.

It means that the wrost case scenarios estimated by modellers are now unlikely to happen. In one paper they suggested admissions could peak at 4,500 a day in the current wave — more than last January. 

Latest hospitalisation figures show the number of Covid admissions in the capital rose 38 per cent over the week to December 13, from 111 to 153 patients a day on average.

Covid patient numbers on wards have risen 15 per cent, from 1,095 to 1,267.

Mechanical ventilator bed use has risen six per cent, with 198 Covid patients currently on these beds.

Deaths are still flatlining in the capital at around 10 a day, but these are lagging indicators because of the time taken for someone infected with the virus to become seriously ill. 

Professor Whitty said yesterday that a further rise in admissions was already ‘baked in’ because of the high levels of infection.

He warned there may be fewer patients in intensive care in South Africa than when Delta hit because more patients have immunity now.

Some 61 per cent of Londoners are double-jabbed, and 26.7 per cent have got a booster.

These are the lowest rates out of England’s nine regions, with the lack of uptake likely leaving the capital more at risk from the new variant.

For comparison, in England 72 per cent of people are double-jabbed and 38 per cent have been boosted.

The highest vaccine uptake is in the South West where 79 per cent of people have already had two doses and nearly 44 per cent have got their third dose.

It is too early to say how well two doses or boosters will protect against hospital admission or death from Omicron but early data from the UK suggests two jabs will be significantly weaker.

The South African Government claims two doses of Pfizer’s jab provides more than 70 per cent protection against severe illness even with waning immunity. 

Data on boosters will take longer to collect because South Africa is not rolling them out widely yet, and UK scientists say they need 250 Omicron patients in hospital before they can make vaccine efficacy estimates.

Officially, there are currently only 15 patients with the mutant strain in UK hospitals.

But the true number is thought to be higher because of the time taken to analyse samples and detect those who are infected with the mutant strain. 

Dr Hopkins, chief medical officer at the UK Health Security Agency, said the ‘earliest we will have reliable data is the week between Christmas and New Year and early January’. 

The UKHA last week estimated that a booster provides 70 per cent protection against symptomatic Omicron illness, based the country’s first 600 infections. 

This graph shows Covid hospitalisations in London. They are now ticking up 40 per cent week-on-week in the capital after Omicron sent cases spiralling

This graph shows Covid hospitalisations in London. They are now ticking up 40 per cent week-on-week in the capital after Omicron sent cases spiralling

Covid deaths are still flat in the capital, but this is a lagging indicator because of the time taken for someone to fall seriously ill with the virus and be hospitalised

Covid deaths are still flat in the capital, but this is a lagging indicator because of the time taken for someone to fall seriously ill with the virus and be hospitalised

Professor Hunter, an infectious diseases expert, said the capital and then England was likely to see its cases peak before the New Year because they are surging so fast.

He told MailOnline: ‘If it carries on at the rate it’s going then by the end of the year — and given also that we only detect about 40 per cent of infections — we would have pretty much all of the UK population being infected. This is absolutely impossible.’

Professor Tim Spector, a top epidemiologist, also predicted cases in London would slow before the New Year. He said: ‘In London cases have been rising rapidly, but this will likely slow down soon, as people change their behaviour, such as wearing face masks again, cancelling parties and working from home more.’

It comes as separate data from his Covid symptom study which involves almost a million Britons showed cases are surging rapidly among 19 to 35-year-olds, but remain low in older age groups. 

The UK yesterday reported a record 78,610 Covid cases that were detected over the last 24 hours amid the rapid spread of Omicron, which is now behind 34 per cent of Covid cases in England and more than half in London. 

Professor Hunter told MailOnline it was likely the country would see a ‘very short, sharp peak’ in infections — likening it to a Sombrero.

This will be followed by an uptick in hospitalisations, although it is ‘very unlikely’ that these will hit the levels recorded last winter. SAGE modelling predicts they could hit 2,000 a day, about half the peak last January. 

Professor Spector said cases could hit a peak in the New Year ‘higher than anything we’ve ever seen before’.

But he added behaviour changes in London ‘will slow the spread of the virus’.

He said: ‘It’s my hope that the rest of the country is doing the same to avoid big outbreaks outside of London, especially in other big cities.’ 

In England Covid cases are also rising fastest in adults in their 20s followed by those in their 30s. For some older age groups, cases are starting to tick up.

But taking over-60s as a whole they are pointing downwards, with the latest infection rate at 129.9 down from 136.9 cases per 100,000 people a week ago. 

Professor Hunter said infections were surging fastest among adults in their 20s because this group was most likely to mix socially and had only just being offered a booster. 

He said: ‘If it’s spreading rapidly in this age group [adults in their 20s] it doesn’t mean it is going to spread as rapidly as in other age groups. 

‘This is partly because other age groups don’t socialise as much, and partly because many of the older age groups have actually got already got quite high booster levels.’

Average hospitalisations in London have risen 38 per cent in a week, with 153 Covid patients being admitted to wards every day on average up from 111 seven days ago.

And across England they have ticked up by nine per cent in a week, from 691 to 760 Covid patients being admitted every day on average.

Modelling predicts this could get to around 2,000 a day despite the booster campaign, before falling after the latest wave has receded.

In South Africa’s epicentre Gauteng average infections now appear to be levelling off after the variant emerged a month ago, but hospitalisations are still rising.

South Africa did not bring in any further restrictions, but did ramp up its vaccination drive which had previously reached only 25 per cent of adults. It already had face masks in place in most public areas.

But experts warn it is difficult to make a comparison between the two countries because the population in South Africa has far more young people than in the UK. 

The ZOE Covid Symptom study estimated today that cases rose four per cent last week despite the spread of Omicron, with some 83,658 people predicted to be catching the virus every day.

They said London was seeing the sharpest rise in cases, driven by Omicron, and that infections were starting to rise in other areas.

Yesterday Professor Spector said most people who are suffering a cold in the capital are likely infected with Omicron.

He added symptoms did not appear to be different to Delta, with most people who catch it suffering a runny nose, headache, fatigue, sneezing and a sore throat.

In a gloomy press conference last night Professor Whitty warned a rise in Omicron hospitalisations was ‘nailed on’ after cases surged to a record high.

He said: ‘I think that what most people are doing is – and I would think this seems very sensible – is prioritising the social interactions that really matter to them and, to project those ones, de-prioritising ones that matter much less to them.’

Mr Johnson also told the country to cut back on Christmas partying and ‘think carefully ‘ before going out during the festive season. 

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