boris johnson country home delayed newts | Politics | News

He has been warned that his proposals for a swimming pool at the 17th century house in Oxfordshire could disturb their habitat.

Planners say permission for the project should not go ahead without a visit to assess its impact on great crested newts living nearby.

South Oxfordshire district council warned in a report that the scheme put the creatures in the “red zone of highest risk”.

Edward Church, the council’s countryside officer, said: “There are known populations of great crested newts in the east of the village.

“Mapping shows that there is a pond onsite and a moat immediately adjacent to the southern boundary, both well within 250 metres of the position of the proposed pool.

“I am of the opinion that there is a reasonable likelihood that great crested news are present and could be impacted by the proposed development.”

Conservationists believe Mr Johnson faces the prospect of waiting up to a year for clearance or paying for the newts to be relocated.

The ex-Tory leader took issue with the animals in a 2020 speech which sought to kickstart growth following the first coronavirus wave.

Taking a swipe at hold-ups caused by wildlife concerns, he said: “Newt-counting delays are a massive drag on the productivity and the prosperity of this country”.

Vengeance came when he submitted an application for the 17th Century manor house he shares with wife Carrie and their three children.

As well as a tennis court, he wants a 36ftx13ft outdoor pool in the grounds of the nine-bedroom moated property.

The law prevents great crested newts and their eggs from being killed, captured or injured, and it is illegal to damage their breeding places.

Oxfordshire’s archaeological experts had already objected to the pool because it risks disturbing the site of a 12th century castle’s moat.

The Campaign to Protect Rural England Oxfordshire also points out that his application does not include a scheme to prevent light pollution.

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