Detect prostate cancer through screening examinations and PSA testing

  1. Fehmarnsche Tageblatt
  2. Health


Regular checks of the prostate are useful in order to detect possible signs of a tumor in good time. What early detection methods are available?

Around 62,000 men in Germany are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year, which is responsible for around twelve percent of cancer deaths. Similar to colon cancer, early detection of the tumor is crucial to improve treatment options and chances of recovery, they said German Cancer Society. The risk of developing prostate cancer increases with age, but genetics and lifestyle also play a role. Signs such as increased urge to urinate can be other symptoms of prostate cancer or bladder cancer. While the exact causes of prostate cancer are not yet fully known, it is believed that age, genetic predisposition and an unhealthy lifestyle significantly increase the risk of developing prostate cancer.

On the trail of prostate cancer: There are two methods of early detection

If detected early, prostate cancer is more curable, for example through surgery. © Javier Larrea/Imago

The earlier cancer is detected, the better it is usually curable – this is also the case with prostate cancer. Loud German Cancer Society Opinions differ among experts as to which early detection measure should be used. The benefit of early detection, namely preventing deaths from prostate cancer, must be carefully weighed against the disadvantage of possible overdiagnosis or overtreatment.

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As a rule, prostate cancer develops very slowly and can in many cases be treated well so that those affected do not die from it. However, once the tumor has spread to surrounding tissues and organs Prostate cancer is often difficult or no longer curable.

Prostate cancer early detection: tactile examination

The early detection of prostate cancer in men includes a consultation with a doctor in which possible complaints or symptoms are discussed. In addition, the sexual organs and lymph nodes in the groin area are examined. This is followed by a palpation examination of the prostate gland or prostate, which sits below the urinary bladder and encloses the urethra.

As part of the statutory cancer early detection program for men aged 45 and over, the palpation examination by the doctor is free for patients. General practitioners, i.e. family doctors, internists or specialists in internal medicine and urologists can carry out these. “Due to the anatomical location of the prostate in the immediate vicinity of the rectum, the rectal palpation examination is most suitable,” explains Dr. Mohamed Al-Mwalad, Chief Physician of the Clinic for Urology and Pediatric Urology and Medical Director at the Helios Clinic Cuxhaven.

However, this so-called digital rectal examination (DRE; digitus: Latin for “finger”) can only be used to detect superficially located and larger carcinomas, such as: German Cancer Society enlightens. This means: In case of doubt, ulcers that are in an unfavorable location or are still very small initially remain undetected.

Feeling your own prostate is not easy and not recommended; it should be left to an experienced doctor.

Prostate cancer early detection: PSA test

Since the use of the tactile examination is therefore limited, there is still the option of carrying out the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test. This is not part of the statutory early detection program. The antigen is determined via a blood test and indicates the concentration of a crucial protein that is produced in the prostate. The test result is initially only an indicator of the possible probability of prostate cancer. However, the risk of malignant changes can be assessed in the very early stages. A normal PSA level – less than 3 nanograms per ml (ng/ml) is considered normal – is not a guarantee that there is no cancer, just as an elevated PSA level does not necessarily lead to prostate cancer.

PSA testing is not a health insurance benefit

The cost of the test, which determines the prostate-specific antigen relevant to cancer, is around 25 euros.

Very high PSA values ​​indicate that the prostate cancer is in an advanced stage and that metastases – cancer cells that have separated from the original tumor and have moved to other tissue – are already present.

Prostate cancer early detection using PSA test – overdiagnosis possible

Through PSA-supported early detection, a large number of tumors are discovered in the early stages, most of which are then treated – with all the psychological and physical consequences and side effects. It is estimated that half of all carcinomas detected by the PSA test would never cause any symptoms – without any treatment.

In order to avoid overdiagnosis in advance, the specialist societies recommend that treating doctors consult themselves regarding the benefits and risks “Interdisciplinary guidelines for early detection, diagnosis and treatment of the different stages of prostate cancer” to orientate.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication. It in no way replaces a visit to the doctor. Our editorial team is not allowed to answer individual questions about medical conditions.

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