Despite the lifting, a blocking action at the Issy-les-Moulineaux incinerator

They don’t give up. Despite the suspension of the garbage collectors’ strike against the pension reform, around thirty people carried out, this Wednesday morning, an action to block the incinerator of Issy-les-Moulineaux, in the south-west of Paris, despite the suspension of the garbage collectors’ strike against the pension reform.

After allowing access to a garbage truck around 7:15 a.m., the demonstrators voted to block this site, which is one of three incineration plants processing waste from Paris and its inner suburbs.

“The only oven that has restarted is in danger of going out”

At 8:30 a.m., they let “trucks pass in 15-30 minute increments, this slows down the filling of the pit. The only oven that has restarted is in danger of going out,” said Fatiha Lahrech, CGT union representative at the incinerator.

After three weeks of strike, the CGT announced on Tuesday the lifting of the movement of the Parisian garbage collectors, for lack of strikers in sufficient number. But this suspension does not prevent other personnel from carrying out actions to block incinerators.

In addition to Issy, a striking employee reported an action underway for nine hours on the Ivry-sur-Seine site, the largest of the three incinerators, south-east of Paris. “This is our response to the requisition,” he said on condition of anonymity.

Railway workers, teachers and students among the blockers

As for the Saint-Ouen incinerator, to the north of the capital, it was not subject to any blockage but was unable to process new dumpsters due to a “full garbage pit”, ensured an employee of the site.

Reached by AFP, the metropolitan operator responsible for processing household waste, Syctom, was unable to comment.

Among the thirty demonstrators, outside the site, gathered early this Wednesday in front of the Issy-les-Moulineaux incinerator were railway workers, teachers and students, some wearing CGT or FO chasubles.

“This text should be removed”

“It is unacceptable to work two more years, this text must be withdrawn” reforming pensions, argued Frédéric Probel, general secretary of the CGT Energie Bagneux, who participated in the action.

“We will not be the generation that will allow the status of the IEG (electricity and gas industries, to which the personnel of the incinerators come) to be dismantled, created in 1946 by the National Council of the Resistance and which allows difficult jobs to leave earlier”, added the trade unionist.

If the reform is implemented, incinerator agents with seventeen years of active service in the field, in “3/8” will have the right to retire at age 59 (with a discount), compared to 57 today. today.

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