Despite the increase, significantly fewer traffic jams than before Corona – Bavaria

Last year there were a lot more and longer traffic jams on the Bavarian motorways than in the first Corona year 2020. Nevertheless, the load is still far from the level before the pandemic, according to an evaluation by the ADAC published on Thursday. According to the traffic club, in 2021 there were 107,990 reports of traffic jams or slow traffic with a total length of 159,000 kilometers. That is 51,000 kilometers more than in 2020, but still 108,000 kilometers less than in 2019.

“We see that holiday traffic in summer was responsible for a significant part of the increase in traffic jams, people traveled significantly more compared to the first Corona year, preferably by car or mobile home,” said Jürgen Hildebrandt, head of the department Traffic, technology and environment at ADAC Nordbayern. On the first weekend of the summer holidays, the traffic jams were even longer than in 2019. The fact that the total kilometers of traffic jams are still significantly below those of 2019 is probably due to the lower commuter and commuter traffic.

For the current year, the ADAC expects the traffic situation on the motorways to normalize – i.e. with more traffic jams again. However, it will only become apparent in the coming years what influence the expansion of the home office will have. The A8, 3 and 9 motorways were particularly hard hit by traffic jams. The A8 alone is responsible for seven of the ten largest individual traffic jams.

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