Despite the energy crisis: emergency plans are scarce

Status: 13.10.2022 12:31 p.m

Only every third company in Germany has an emergency plan to deal with the energy crisis. Smaller companies in particular are not prepared for a gas bottleneck.

The gas crisis has kept Germany in suspense for months. But the companies apparently hardly used the time to systematically prepare for a bottleneck. This is the result of a recent survey by the ifo Institute. Together with the personnel service provider Randstad, the researchers interviewed 700 personnel managers.

Trade the worst prepared

Smaller companies in particular have problems with planning: “The smaller the company, the less often measures are taken,” said ifo researcher Johanna Garnitz. “In companies with more than 500 employees, 60 percent have taken appropriate precautions.” For companies with up to 50 employees, it is only 15 percent.

There are also clear differences between the companies depending on the economic sector: “Industry has been hit hardest by the current energy price crisis. Here, at 43 percent, companies have most often prepared for a possible bottleneck,” says Garnitz. In the case of service providers, on the other hand, it is only 25 percent. In retail, only 17 percent of companies have an emergency plan in the drawer.

Less heating, more home office

According to the survey, staff cuts are hardly ever considered because of the shortage of skilled workers. Rather, it is about reducing overtime and vacation. “However, the most frequently mentioned energy-saving measure is lowering the building temperature,” says Garnitz.

The majority of the companies surveyed are considering allowing more home offices and are also considering the possibility of sending employees on short-time work. Restricting your own business activities is only an option for a few companies.

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