Despite the Covid, the Lucia show attracted 120,000 spectators during the holidays

The coronavirus and, at times, the rain did not scare spectators away. Some 120,000 people attended the illuminations of the Lucia, Mysteries of Amazonia show during the end-of-year celebrations in Nantes, say the organizers. The fourth edition of this sound and light took place from December 23 to 30 at the Saint-Pierre cathedral in Nantes.

Five performances were projected each evening on the facade of the building closed to the public since its fire in July 2020. The images evoked the world of the naturalist painter Alain Thomas. The protocol limited the number of people authorized to access the cathedral square to 5,000. About 12,000 spectators also attended the performances projected on the facade of the Nantes Natural History Museum.

A first at Le Mans in April

The Lucia show has usually taken place every two years since its launch in 2014. However, it could not take place in 2020 due to the pandemic. The sound and light was also projected on the Saint-Maurice d’Angers cathedral during the holidays.

If health constraints allow, a first edition of Lucia is scheduled in Hénon (Côtes d’Armor) from February 4 to 20, 2022. A first edition is also announced in Le Mans from April 13 to 18 on the La Visitation site.

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