Despite the ban: demonstration against corona policy in Hamburg – News – Hamburg

As of: 01/29/2022 6:06 p.m

The Higher Administrative Court decided in the last instance: Today in Hamburg it is not allowed to demonstrate against the Corona policy. Nevertheless, numerous people came together at the Binnenalster.

Many small groups flocked to the Alster in the afternoon. In the past few days, the lateral thinker scene has called for people to “go for a walk” if the planned large-scale demonstration is canceled. The police interpreted this “walk” as an unannounced gathering and broke up the protest.

More protests

Two other demonstrations met on Lübecker Tordamm in front of the House of Courts. A registered protest against the Corona measures with around 600 people and a counter-demonstration that was also registered. Police separated the two groups. Because the rush was so great, the police blocked the area at Lübecker Tordamm. The participants then moved to the Wartenau. There was a rally there with thousands of Corona opponents.

AUDIO: Corona demo: Hamburg police block footpath on the Alster (1 min)

Critics of the Corona policy wanted to move from the Kunsthalle around the Binnenalster under the motto “Against the obligation to wear a mask and other Corona measures”. The organizer had registered around 11,000 people.

Administrative court rejected urgent application on Friday

But on Friday, the Hamburg Administrative Court rejected an urgent application with which the applicants still wanted to enforce the meeting planned in the city center. On the other hand, the applicants had lodged a complaint with the OVG. The complaint against the decision of the administrative court was unsuccessful, said a spokesman for the Hamburg Higher Administrative Court: “The ban on demonstrations remains.”

Hygiene concept is not enough

The hygiene concept was not sufficient, according to the reasoning of the administrative court in the first instance. The court also made it clear that the ban on demos was a necessary protective measure and proportionate to the current situation. These justifications were now also confirmed by the OVG on Saturday.

The original applicant is said to come from the Reich citizen scene

According to information from NDR 90.3, the original applicant for the demonstration is a man from the Reich citizen scene. A lawyer has now taken his place. The organizer insists that the demo participants do not wear a mask. However, according to the containment ordinance, this is currently prohibited.

Further information

Participants in a demonstration against the Corona policy in Hamburg.  There are signs that say "No digital vaccination card"

The police reporters talk to the sociologist Nils Zurawski about the mood in Germany after two years of the pandemic. (01/25/2022) more

Hamburg's Interior Senator Andy Grote speaks at a press conference.  © picture alliance / dpa Photo: Georg Wendt

So far, however, Hamburg’s authorities have seen no control of the protests by right-wing extremists. (24.12.2021) more

A virus hovers in front of a crowd (photomontage) © panthermedia, fotolia Photo: Christian Müller

How is Hamburg doing with the corona pandemic? Here you will find the latest figures, news, videos and background information. more

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NDR 90.3 | NDR 90.3 Current | 01/29/2022 | 6:00 p.m

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