Despite discussions, on the left, nothing is progressing and nothing is clear

“We don’t want to serialize the thing either,” says Guillaume Lacroix, one of Christiane Taubira’s relatives. Good, for that, at least, it is sure that it is missed: the novel of the union of the left with the presidential one knew a new episode – one does not dare say rebound – Tuesday with the revelation by The world and Politico of an interview between emissaries from Yannick Jadot’s team (his campaign manager Mounir Satouri and EELV boss Julien Bayou, all the same) and Christiane Taubira’s team in Romainville, in the suburbs Parisian, Sunday evening. The situation on the left has not advanced one iota, if we are to believe Guillaume Lacroix, who was there. No one wants to withdraw and/or rally.

“They offered to join us with in return the presidency of a constituent for Christiane Taubira. Well, since they are at 5%, we are not about to preside over much, ”tackles the boss of the Radical Left Party (PRG). Therein lies the problem: “nobody breaks through”, nobody can really say “join my dynamics”. And, at the same time, is Christiane Taubira really a candidate for 4%? “No, but no one is”, notes Guillaume Lacroix, “terrified” by the situation of a left (from Roussel to Hidalgo) unable to get along when, according to him, “we are almost agreement on everything, apart from nuclear”.


Christiane Taubira, however, does not let go of the matter and will continue to plead for this gathering “desired on the ground”. Tuesday morning, the candidate held a press conference to unveil – a coincidence – the climate and environment part of her program. Asked about the Romainville meeting, the candidate recalled her commitment to seeking ways to rally on the left. And called on Anne Hidalgo, Fabien Roussel, Yannick Jadot and even Jean-Luc Mélenchon to meet to discuss “unconditionally, without preconditions, without taboo”.

If there are no conditions, does that mean that the fact that it is his candidacy that carries the rally is not a sine qua non? Christiane Taubira does not say yes, but recalls her “indisputable legitimacy” from the popular Primary which dubbed her. “Unconditionally, that does not mean that I treat with contempt this democratic process and this expression of nearly half a million people. In private, relatives of the candidate say all the same, to contrast, that she is the only one “not to make her person the cornerstone of the union”. All of this leaves room for interpretation and discussion.


On the green side, Yannick Jadot reacted with annoyance to questions from journalists on this interview with Romainville. Not a surprise, so much, for weeks, it is the mode of answer of the candidate ecologist to the questions on the union of the left. If Yannick Jadot refutes any “febrility” of his campaign, one can still wonder what his campaign manager and his party leader went to do in Romainville, apart from putting a coin in the machine. Propose a way out to Christiane Taubira? “Too early and too presumptuous to say it like that again”, says an environmentalist source who nevertheless confirms the little credit given to his candidacy “which has no post-primary dynamics, as we had expected, because it comes too late”.

“If Taubira continues, all she will gain is debt,” smiles this source, who has the sense of the formula. This question of the financing of its campaign – excluding parties – puts it all the same in a weak position vis-à-vis other campaigns on the left, which are not higher in the polls but better organized. Guillaume Lacroix assures that the PRG made the start for the start of the campaign “we have 500,000 euros to go up to 500 signatures and the advance of the State of 200,000 euros”. But that’s very, very little. And then especially the 500 signatures, Christiane Taubira is far from it: she has 36, twenty-four days from the deadline. Asked about this question on Tuesday, before the publication of the count of sponsorships, the former deputy from Guyana replied with a broad smile which was intended to be confident. But maybe he was embarrassed.

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