Desired arrival, scheduled departures… Galtier takes stock of the Parisian attack

Suspended against Nantes during the Champions Trophy (4-0) then absent due to injury in Clermont (0-5) during the opening of Ligue 1, Kylian Mbappé is expected on Saturday at PSG-Montpellier. Christophe Galtier told the press on Thursday that the ex-future Madrid player was “in good shape” and that his adductor injury was just a bad memory.

But the new Parisian coach, who can also rely on Neymar, Lionel Messi, Pablo Sarabia and rookie Hugo Ekitike, wants to further strengthen his attacking sector.

“We want the arrival of another striker, with a very busy schedule until November 15 plus a World Cup [du 20 novembre au 18 décembre], justified the technician. The club works a lot and I am in direct contact with Luis Campos [conseiller football], who is in direct contact with the management and the president”. However, Galtier does not intend to “stack the players”. “It has to be a real added value,” he said.

Kalimuendo to Rennes, Icardi in the dark

Apparently, Arnaud Kalimuendo is not one for Paris. After two fine seasons on loan at Lens, the 20-year-old Titi will probably join Rennes. Bruno Genesio, the Breton technician, indicated that the international Espoirs passed his medical examination this Thursday.

Mauro Icardi, he has more difficulty finding a way out. The 29-year-old Argentinian international is squatting in the Parisian loft. “Both in the interest of Mauro and that of the club, it would be good to find the best compromise so that he can express his qualities”, launched Galtier. Far from Paris, he might have added.

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