Described as “rigged”, the stroke of the comedian had every reason to happen

Turnaround in the Palmade case. This Saturday, the comedian suffered a stroke at the Paul-Brousse hospital in Villejuif (Val-de-Marne). After the announcement, many Internet users question the timing of this accident. “In France there are 150,000 strokes per year out of 58,000,000 inhabitants, i.e. a probability of 0.26%. Add to that the improbable timing of a period of 10 days out of 365, it’s ridiculous”, calculates a user on Twitter. “There, it is sure that he will not go to prison! It’s all settled! Who protects him? “, criticizes another.

If this Monday, the Paris Court of Appeal still decided to place Pierre Palmade in pre-trial detention, it is important to come back to this alleged manipulation. In view of the circumstances and his health, it is quite likely that the comedian really suffered a stroke, without it being invented. 20 minutes comes back to these aggravating factors that may explain the accident.


Since the beginning of the investigation, several elements have been revealed around the private life of Pierre Palmade, in particular on his drug use. After his car accident on February 10, tests for cocaine and other substances came back positive.

Studies have already focused on proving that cocaine can cause strokes. From a published work on the occasion of the International Stroke Conferencein 2014, the consumption of this drug would multiply by seven the risk of so-called “ischemic” stroke [occlusion d’une artère dans le cerveau]. They would take place within 24 hours after taking. Other drugs can also have this effect: cannabis, ecstasy, opioids, LSD and PCP [Phéncyclidine].

Multiple factors added together

For his part, the general manager from the Stroke Research Foundation, Emmanuelle Gourtray remains more cautious. According to her, no study really shows a causal link. It is a risk factor, of course, but it is not the only one. Other elements may also be taken into account in the Palmade affair: fatigue and post-accident stress or the age of the comedian [54 ans]. Indeed, a published study in The Lancet in 2005 showed that after age 55, the risk of stroke doubled every decade.

Alcohol consumption or being overweight can also constitute aggravating circumstances in other cases. Other factors are also highlighted on the Inserm website. “Blood pressure level, excess cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, atrial fibrillation, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and physical inactivity”.

Mainly modifiable risks

Studies have also shown that the vast majority of strokes actually depend on modifiable risks. A study also published in The Lancet this year shows that tobacco, for example, doubles the risk of stroke (or even quadruples it before the age of 50). Alcohol consumption and physical inactivity are also implicated in the study. According to the neurologist and president of the French Neuro-Vascular Society (SFNV), Pr Serge Timsit, interviewed by Franceinfo“90% of strokes depend on ten modifiable risk factors”.

Conversely, other factors cannot be modified, explains the journal Médecines sciences : age, sex [l’incidence est plus élevée chez les hommes], or ethnic or socio-economic and cultural factors. Finally, a family history of stroke doubles the risk.

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