Deputy Éric Coquerel accused of hitting a police officer in the cheek

A complaint has been filed against MP Eric Coquerel, accused of punching a police officer while he was evacuating demonstrators present at a garbage truck depot in Aubervilliers, learned 20 minutes, confirming information from RTL. In the complaint, a 34-year-old police officer explains that he was there around 7:30 a.m., and that he was trying to repel the demonstrators, opposite Eric Coquerel, who had come to support the garbage collectors from the Véolia garage.

“Mr Coquerel Éric who was still facing me and had both hands at face level and closed fists (…) struck me with the back of his closed fist more precisely using his knuckles. I received the blow at the level of my left cheekbone. I then verbally informed him that he had hit me. He said I quote “no I was going to fall”. I specify that we were both very close to the other people present on the spot and that neither he nor I could fall on the ground or be unbalanced. (…) He never lost his balance” writes the civil servant in his complaint.

Open investigation

Eric Coquerel, meanwhile, said in a press release to learn “with amazement” this complaint and “formally denies” any intentional violence against this police officer. He explains: “As soon as I arrived, I found myself, with my colleague Bastien Lachaud, facing the police strongly pushing back the demonstrators. The load was such that it generated a strong jostling, during which I almost fell several times. »

The Bobigny prosecutor’s office indicates that an investigation has been opened on the grounds of “willful violence against a person holding public authority”, entrusted to the territorial security. And specifies that the total incapacity for work (ITT) of the policeman is not yet known, the policeman, assigned to the police station of Saint-Denis, having not yet consulted a medico-judicial unit.

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