Deprived of nightclubs, our readers won’t stop dancing

The party is over. From Friday, December 10, 6 am, no more drinks at 15 euros in nightclubs… and in bars and restaurants, there is no longer any question of getting up from your chair to swing your hips. As part of the new anti-Covid measures decided by the French government and until January 6 inclusive, you are therefore deprived of dancing.

A ban that does not delight many of our readers. “It’s very hard, between the stress of studying, exams and everyday problems, going to a club was our only outlet,” says Fabio.

“We have only one youth”

But no question of being defeated, Jonathan intends to take advantage of this last evening: “Obviously I will go to the disco for the last time of the year this Thursday evening. Even if there is work on Friday, I will go … We only have one youth and it has already been spoiled by successive confinements. “Andréa, she did not wait for this last evening to have fun:” With my colleagues, we went out yesterday [mercredi] for the last big evening planned by the club in my city… Since we don’t know when it will be possible again. “

However, as of Friday 6 a.m., nightclubs will have to turn off strobes, bars and restaurants prohibiting their customers from getting up to dance. Published in November in the medical journal The Lancet, the ComCor study by the Institut Pasteur, carried out from May 23 to August 13, concluded that nightclubs were “places at high risk of transmission” because they are closed places with poor ventilation, where the coronavirus can more easily stay suspended in the air.

Party differently

To keep up the pace, some have already thought about other ways to party. Andréa, who intends to dance until the last minute, has found a solution: “As long as the bars are open, we take advantage of them and we will end the evening in an apartment if the opportunity is present. “But if you are lacking inspiration for your next evenings, Diénaba, a Parisian, has lots of advice:” I do themed evenings just to have unique evenings and memories. You have to continue to smile, enjoy the people you love, find ideas for celebrating differently. I have a lot of ideas for people looking for inspiration. “

Good plans that could be useful to Mickaël who intends to stay at home with his friends. “I would continue to party. If it is not in a club, it will be at my place. With music, lights, drinks and most of all friends. It’s just a shame for the clubs, ”he says.

“There is no consistency in the restrictions”

Besides the sadness of not being able to go out at night, a feeling of incomprehension dominates. “I find that just absurd,” Lisa hisses. Nightclubs are forced to close … while football stadiums and Christmas markets, which are places where there are just as many people, can remain open. For the young woman, “there is no consistency in the restrictions and government decisions.”

Diénaba, too, is disappointed for the owners of nightclubs: “It’s nice to go out in Paris or elsewhere, but it doesn’t make me unhappy not to go to a club anymore. Because, the unfortunate are rather the owners of these establishments. The nightclubs reopened in France on July 9, with a health pass, after 16 months of closure. Visiting Vierzon on Tuesday, Emmanuel Macron wished to reassure the professionals of the sector, ensuring that the discotheques would be “compensated in an exemplary manner to hold during this period”.

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