Depeche Mode: Historic record in the German charts

Depeche Mode
Historic record in the German charts

Depeche Mode landed at number one in the German album charts with “Memento Mori”.

© Avis De Miranda/

Depeche Mode have climbed to the top of the German charts – and set a record that even overshadows the Beatles.

Depeche Mode have set a new record in the German album charts. With their album “Memento Mori”, which was released on March 24th, the British band has climbed to the top of the Official German Charts, determined by GfK Entertainment. The first studio album since the death of co-founder Andy Fletcher (1961-2022) is Depeche Mode’s twelfth number one success in the German charts. No international group, not even the legendary Beatles, have ever achieved this.

“Memento Mori” served as a way of coping with grief

According to Depeche Mode, the production of their 15th studio album served as a way of coping with grief after Andy Fletcher’s untimely death on May 26, 2022. “It just helped that we could focus on something that we’d all been dealing with in the years before passion,” revealed co-founder Martin Gore (61) a few days ago of “Welt am Sonntag”.

The band is currently on their big “Memento Mori world tour”, which will also take them to Germany from May 26, 2023.

Herbert Grönemeyer and Lana Del Rey also enter the German charts

With his new album “Das ist los” pop giant Herbert Grönemeyer (66) entered the German album charts in second place. The American singer Lana Del Rey (37) takes third place with her new album “Did You Know That There’s a Tunnel Under Ocean Blvd” ahead of the rock legends Pink Floyd, whose classic album “The Dark Side of the Moon” was re-released to celebrate its 50th anniversary, climbing from 42nd to 4th place. Subway To Sally completes the top five with their new album “Himmelfahrt”.

In the German single charts, Udo Lindenberg (76) and Apache 207 (25) are at the top for the ninth time with “Komet”.


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