Departure Anne Caillon (Flore) from Tomorrow belongs to us in 2022: Death, prison or on the run? | tomorrow belongs to us

Does Anne Caillon leave Tomorrow belongs to us in 2022? Will the character of Flore disappear from the daily series of TF1? How can Bart evolve without his mother in the next episodes?

Flore Vallorta do you like it? If the character leaves DNA would you miss him?

Anne Caillon arrived at the launch of tomorrow belongs to us in 2017 with the character of Flora Vallorta, around her all the characters have disappeared: Leonard, Elisabeth or even Eddy. The only survivor is Bart and for the moment he is not doing too badly…even if there was the Arnaud Molina episode.

Flore Vallorta goes wrong in February 2022, she does not accept the breakup with Alex and goes very far because she hates that he can be happy with Chloé, Maxime, Céleste and Judith.
She reports Chloé to the ASE for mistreating Celeste (while she drugged her via antibiotics), the guard is suspended. She tries to poison Chloé via coffee capsules, she kills Andrea, she causes an accident for Judith and Maxime and shoots Alex. Maxime finds himself taken hostage, he tries to disarm her in Tomorrow belongs to us episode 1120 of February 11, 2022. A shot goes… who is affected Flore or Maxime? Will Flore make it? A run, a death or prison for Flore Vallorta?

Alex and Flora DNA

Alex and Flore a love story that did not last very long

Everything is possible… we do not know to this day if Anne Caillon has decided to leave Tomorrow belongs to us. When Télé Star asked her what she would like for her character in 2022, she joked: “To meet a woman! (laughs) To stop with the men, that’s enough! They destroyed his life. (laughs) No, there are already other women together in DNA, I’m not sure that the authors are tempted… But it would be a good turnaround for her to get together with Chloé, well. Or with Anna since they are both Bart’s mothers. (laughs)”

Bart DNA

Bart and Flore a sometimes complicated story…

Anne Caillon toured a lot in 2019/2020 and 2021 for French fictions: The curse of Provins, Criminal tropics, Murders in Cayenne or even Crimes parfaits and Murders in Marie-Galante.

DNA flora

Flora has gone mad

==> In episode Tomorrow belongs to us 1121 of February 14, 2022, Flore is arrested, the suicide is avoided thanks to Bart. Flore is not going to be judged, she is going through a psychotic episode… she is going to be interned in a psychiatric hospital.

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