Demonstrators block roads: situation escalates, drivers aggressive

Activists again blocked ten exits from the A100 city motorway in Berlin on Tuesday. According to the traffic information center and the police, the southern exits at Tempelhofer Damm, Messedamm Süd, Innsbrucker Platz, Hohenzollerndamm, Kaiserdamm, Spandauer Damm, Kreuz Schöneberg and Sachsendamm as well as the Saarstraße exit on the A103 were affected. Affected drivers react increasingly irritated.

According to a police spokesman, groups of around seven to ten people blocked the exits. Several demonstrators stuck to the street on Halenseestraße. On banners they demanded “save oil instead of drilling” and announced “North Sea oil – nope”. Police directed vehicles across the sidewalk.

Driver pushes protester in front of him: “I have an appointment!”

There was a traffic jam on the freeway during rush hour. “At the moment, the actions of the demonstrators seem to be happening every minute,” said the traffic information center. According to the police, further closures are to be expected in the morning. Motorists should avoid the areas. Only on Monday were there brief blockades of motorway exits in numerous places.

The Last Generation group also released a cellphone video on Tuesday showing a motorist slowly pulling away after waiting for a while despite a protester standing in front of them. She first braces herself against the bonnet, takes a few steps back and then calls out indignantly: “Can you please wait a moment, I can’t go to the side, what do you think of?” The man’s argument: “I have an appointment”. Then the video stops.

“We are the last generation that can still prevent climate collapse,” said the Last Generation Initiative. She demands a declaration from Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) that no new infrastructure will be built to use fossil fuels. Daily disruptions to road traffic in Berlin are planned – until Scholz credibly declares that there will be no oil drilling in the North Sea.

Last generation: 75 arrests on Monday

Already on Monday there were motorway blockades in 13 places: the Berlin police temporarily arrested 75 demonstrators. This affected 51 men and 24 women, a police spokesman said on Tuesday.

21 demonstrators were glued to the streets. 28 criminal proceedings were initiated, mainly for coercion and resistance to the police. There are also eleven investigations into administrative offenses. The blockers were all released again, it said.

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