Demonstrations: Protests against Corona measures in several cities

Protests against corona measures in several cities

Demonstration against the Corona measures in Hamburg. Photo: Georg Wendt / dpa

© dpa-infocom GmbH

From Hamburg to Greiz to Trier, people demonstrated against the Corona measures on Saturday. Most of the protests were peaceful – not all were allowed.

In several cities in Germany, people demonstrated against the Corona measures on Saturday.

Several thousand people protested in Hamburg under the motto “The measure is full – hands off our children!”. The police spoke of a peaceful course and up to 10,000 participants. “The distances are kept as far as you can see,” said a police spokesman.

Almost 100 people took part in a prohibited demonstration in Frankfurt. The police said they disbanded the meeting. Officials checked personal details and issued dismissals. The rally in the city center was peaceful. The city had banned the registered demonstration on Thursday. She feared that the protesters were “almost certainly” disregarding the requirements due to the corona pandemic. 1500 people were registered for the demonstration. Two days earlier, the regulatory office had banned four planned rallies by the same applicant.

At a demonstration by the AfD in Berlin against the compulsory vaccination and at various counter-events, it remained quiet until Saturday afternoon. The police said that significantly fewer participants were counted on both sides than had been registered.

In Trier, around 500 people took to the streets because of the Corona rules: More than 400 of them demonstrated against the regulations and the limited vaccination requirement. The other 100 or so people had gathered for a counter-demonstration, the police said. But there were no major incidents. The critics of the Corona measures had to be sent off several times because they did not follow orders from the police. According to the police, there were also three administrative offense proceedings.

Hundreds of people protested against the Corona measures in Schwerin on Saturday afternoon. According to the police, about 370 people gathered initially, and during the demonstration the number of participants rose to 760. The event that was registered was peaceful and without riots, said a spokeswoman. The police had closed several streets for the demonstration and prepared with a large contingent for the protest march.

According to the police, around 15,000 people in Austria gathered at a rally on Heldenplatz in Vienna. The head of the right-wing FPÖ, Herbert Kickl, called for resistance to the mandatory vaccination planned from February.


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