Demonstration in Belgrade: Europride under police protection

As of: 09/17/2022 9:38 p.m

Around 1,000 people demonstrated in Belgrade for the rights of homosexuals, lesbians and other members of the LGBTIQ community. The police secured the event – there were clashes with counter-demonstrators.

About 1000 people took part in the Europride in Belgrade, before which there had been disputes with the Serbian authorities. The participants demonstrated in heavy rain for the rights of homosexuals, lesbians and other members of the LGBTQI community.

The police secured a corridor along the march route. In this way, they kept far-right and ultra-clerical counter-demonstrators, who were outnumbered, at a distance from Europride.

More than 60 arrests

On the fringes of the event, however, there were clashes between the police and the counter-demonstrators. According to the Serbian government, ten police officers were slightly injured and at least 31 people were arrested. Prime Minister Ana Brnabic praised the security authorities. She is proud that worse things could have been prevented. Brnabic is the country’s first openly gay head of government.

A police officer leads an arrested counter-demonstrator in Belgrade.

Image: AFP

Shortened demonstration route

A demonstration through half the city center was originally planned. But the Ministry of the Interior deviated from the practice of previous years and banned the event. A complaint by the organizers was dismissed by the competent administrative court. The public prosecutor threatened the participants of a potentially “illegal demonstration” with large fines.

Apparently a compromise was found – even after EU representatives had intervened. It was agreed on a significantly shortened route.

No problems in the past

Pride marches have been held in Belgrade since 2014 without incident. This year, Belgrade was the first city in south-eastern Europe to be awarded the right to host a Europride.

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had advocated canceling or postponing the event. Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine, he has been seeking rapprochement with Moscow. He is also trying to establish good relations with the ultra-conservative and pro-Russian Serbian Orthodox Church.

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