Demonstration: Human chain around Reichstag – 100,000 registered

Human chain around Reichstag – 100,000 registered

Demonstrators take part in a protest event under the motto “Democracy defend” in front of the Reichstag building. photo

© Carsten Koall/dpa

Over the past two weekends, hundreds of thousands took to the streets to demonstrate against right-wing extremism. Another major event is planned in Berlin on Saturday.

For the long announced Human chain for democracy and against right -wing extremism This Saturday at the Berlin Reichstag building, 100,000 people have now been registered. The human chain of demonstrators is planned around the Reichstag at midday under the motto “We are the firewall”. The organizing alliance “Hand in Hand” said it was intended as a reaction to the AfD and upcoming elections. Many hundreds of groups and initiatives support the call.

The organizers appealed: “Hand in hand – take action now in solidarity. We call on you to stop watching the right-wing normalization in Germany and Europe.” The supporters include numerous small initiatives, but also large organizations such as the trade unions Verdi, GEW and IG Metall, Amnesty International, refugee aid organizations and also the climate protest groups Extinction Rebellion and Last Generation.

Over the past two weekends, hundreds of thousands of people demonstrated for democracy and against right-wing extremism in many German cities. In Berlin, according to the police, there were more than 100,000 demonstrators who gathered in the government district on January 21st. Because of the crowds, subway traffic and S-Bahn trains had to be partially interrupted.

The trigger for the latest protests were the revelations by the Correctiv research center about a meeting of right-wing extremists on November 25th, which was attended by AfD politicians as well as individual members of the CDU and the very conservative Values ​​Union in Potsdam.


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