Demonstration against the large prison project in Brain-sur-l’Authion

They are not against a new prison but especially not in place of agricultural land and even less near their homes. More than 200 people demonstrated on Saturday afternoon to denounce the project for a new prison in Brain-sur-l’Authion, a new commune in Loire-Authion, on the eastern outskirts of Angers.

The demonstrators, mostly local residents, blame the project for being erected on a 17-hectare site with cultivated and wetlands, reports The Western Mail. They fear visual and noise pollution, as well as increased car traffic, in this peaceful area. And suggests studying other sites in the Angevin region. A petition collecting more than a thousand signatures was sent to local elected officials.

Supported by the State, the project, which has not yet been finalized, provides for the construction of a penitentiary complex bringing together a detention center, a remand center and a section for women. A total capacity of 890 detainees is mentioned. Delivery is not scheduled before 2027. It will generate the creation of at least 500 direct jobs. The new establishment is intended to replace the aging Pré-Pigeon remand center in Angers, which was established in a 19th century fortress.

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