“Demo against the right” in Munich: The liberating feeling of being among friends of democracy – Commentary – Munich

It has been a long time since there was such a great feeling of togetherness in Munich as there was on this Sunday. The demonstrators clearly show what they stand for – and which slogans do not resonate with them at the event.

What remains of the demonstration against right-wing extremism in Munich is one thing above all: the liberating feeling that the general population is there when it becomes important. That people stand up when it comes to the basic values ​​of democracy, the state and coexistence in the city. People had become uncertain in the past few months. Energy crisis, war in Ukraine and the Middle East, inflation – there were many negative topics and above all the feeling: right-wing extremist forces are managing to mobilize, the AfD is making gains in polls and there is hardly any resistance from society.

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