Delicious “One-Pot-Pasta”: Simple spaghetti recipe with asparagus

Watch the video: Quick and easy one-pot pasta for those warm spring days.

Spring is just around the corner and it’s time for delicious asparagus again.

Either in the classic way with potatoes and ham or as a soup – the vegetables can be enjoyed in many different ways.

A particularly quick idea is this delicious one-pot pasta.

The delicious asparagus meets green vegetables and a sauce with fresh herbs – the perfect spring dish.

An advantage of the recipe: It is very quick and is only cooked in a single pot.

For the delicious one-pot pasta you need (2 people):
250g green asparagus
200g peas
2 shallots
1 clove of garlic
200g pasta
300ml vegetable broth
200g cream
½ organic lemon
1 tsp Dijon mustard
Tarragon & Parsley
Salt pepper

And this is how the pasta is prepared:

First you should wash the asparagus and cut off the woody end.
Now you can finely chop the asparagus, garlic and shallots.

Put the noodles and the vegetables in a saucepan together with 100g of the cream and the broth.

Grate the zest of the lemon and squeeze out the juice.

Mix the lemon zest with the mustard and add the mixture to the pot.

The whole thing is now cooked for ten minutes and seasoned with salt and pepper.

In the meantime, you can chop the herbs into small pieces.

At the end, add this to the pasta along with a dash of lemon juice.

Finally, the peas and the remaining cream are added and everything is cooked for another 5 minutes.

You can then serve your pasta with the remaining herbs or delicious cheese. Enjoy your meal!

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