Deggendorf: The fall of building contractor Günther Karl – Bavaria

Günther Karl went from being an excavator driver to becoming the head of a construction company in Lower Bavaria. Because his company is said to have illegally disposed of large amounts of construction waste, the public prosecutor’s office is investigating him. He himself remains silent about it and was released on bail worth millions.

Until recently, Günther Karl was the “problem solver”, a large entrepreneur from Lower Bavaria, 400 employees, four business areas, 44 companies. He started out as a construction contractor with just one excavator, and later showed himself on the homepage of his conglomerate in a managerial pose: dark suit, white shirt, his hand casually in his trouser pocket. The Trump Tower is in New York and the Karl Tower is in Deggendorf. A man who was flown to his construction sites by helicopter and was proud of his commitment to the region, 78 years old, but still someone who mayors asked for advice. He quickly conjured up a roof for the people of Deggendorf on their ice rink and made it possible for the people of Freyung to hold their state horticultural show. Günther Karl, the “maker possible”, the “helper in times of need”, an “ambassador for Lower Bavaria”.

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