Defense Minister: Lambrecht successor: calls for political heavyweight

Secretary of Defense
Lambrecht successor: calls for political heavyweight

In the end it was possibly one mistake too many: Christine Lambrecht’s resignation as Minister of Defense is imminent. photo

© Philipp Schulze/dpa

Just recently, the chancellor called Christine Lambrecht a “first-rate defense minister.” The successor debate is now underway, even before an official resignation.

In the event that Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD) resigns, former military commissioner Hans-Peter Bartels is calling for a top-class successor. “Defense policy has now become existential for Germany; it’s no longer a political side issue,” the SPD politician told the editorial network Germany (RND). “The decision about the successor should be based on that. The chancellor needs someone with great political fighting weight.”

Other requirements he mentioned included organizational experience and: “A bit of love for the Bundeswehr is also part of it.” The former Bundeswehr Inspector General Hans-Peter von Kirchbach told the RND: “It should be a political heavyweight. What doesn’t matter is gender.”

Ambitious requirement profile

In the “Bild” newspaper, the chairman of the Bundeswehr Association, André Wüstner, called for a person who “can be placed across party lines” and who understands “the big picture”. In addition, the new person should “be able to integrate, be able to cold start, be knowledgeable, willing to reform and assertive”. Wüstner added: “Nobody expects magic to happen in the first few weeks, but a message of departure would be more important than ever.”

On Friday evening, several media reported unanimously that Lambrecht was about to resign from her ministerial post. There is no official confirmation for this so far. Lambrecht has been criticized for months, and the opposition Union has repeatedly demanded her resignation.


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