Decreased sexual desire, how to stimulate it?

In our podcast “ Wait a minute! “, We find our meeting on sexuality and society” Everything is explained “. Today, we talk about sexual desire and how to stimulate it if you feel the need. Our guest is Sébatien Landry psycho-sexologist, author, in particular, of Sexual desire, stimulate it, find it, feed the ftheamme (
In press editions).

What is the difference between libido and sexual desire? How does this sexual desire evolve over the course of life? What are the factors that influence this desire? What advice to stimulate this desire, if you feel the need? These are questions from this interview to listen to for free in the reader above.

In this exchange, the psycho-sexologist first of all recalls that “the libido is purely hormonal”, when “the sexual desire is psychological”. This sexual desire evolves over the course of life, depending on our psychological state. “For the sexual desire to be expressed, it is necessary that psychologically, one is well (…) the brain classifies its priorities, and sometimes there is not much room left for the sexual desire”, when one is absorbed, by for example, by work, screens or sports, overwhelmed by fatigue or stress, or struck by illness or sadness.

Sébastien Landry returns to the crisis linked to Covid-19 which weighs on the mental health and sexual well-being of French women and men, before detailing advice to stimulate this desire.

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