Decomposed body of baby found in car in July, mother challenges detention

We do not know what the reasons for this tragedy are. The body of a baby was found in an “advanced state of decomposition” in a car in July 2022 in Hasparren (Pyrénées-Atlantiques), we learned on Wednesday during a hearing at the Pau Court of Appeal. , where his mother, prosecuted for murder, challenged his pre-trial detention.

According to the reading of the file by the investigating chamber, when it was discovered by the gendarmes of the small Basque town of Hasparren, the corpse of this newborn was covered with several garbage bags and in a state suggesting a died “at least two months” before. Neither the exact date nor the cause of death could be determined by forensic expertise due to the “advanced state of decomposition” of the remains. The mother of the child was arrested quickly after the macabre discovery and indicted for “murder of a minor”.

Denial of pregnancy after rape

According The Republic of the Pyrenees, this volunteer firefighter from Hasparren, aged 22, has been remanded in custody in Pau prison since February, after several months under judicial control. Before the investigators, the suspect explained that she had denied pregnancy following a rape, giving birth alone in her apartment in April 2022 before her child died “by choking” a few days later. She asked for her replacement under judicial supervision before the investigating chamber of the Court of Appeal on Wednesday.

His continued detention was requested by the Advocate General, who highlighted “the many lies and manipulations” of the defendant during the investigation. The decision was reserved for June 13.

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