Declaration signed: Sweden applies for NATO membership

Status: 05/17/2022 1:01 p.m

Sweden is stepping up the pace when it comes to joining NATO: Yesterday the country announced that it would apply to join the military alliance. The official application followed today. But this is not a sure-fire success.

Sweden has officially signed its application to join NATO. Foreign Minister Ann Linde signed the request and said it would be sent to NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. “It feels like we made the right decision for Sweden,” she said.

Sweden had not joined a military alliance for more than 200 years, and Finland had been neutral since the end of World War II. However, after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, public opinion in both countries swung.

Finland’s application is also expected to follow soon

The Swedish government announced the application after a parliamentary debate the day before. An official NATO application from Finland was also expected on Tuesday. Its President Sauli Niinistö wanted to meet the Swedish Prime Minister Magdalena Andersson and give a speech in front of the Parliament in Stockholm.

Sweden’s King Carl XVI. Gustaf stressed his country’s intention to join NATO “simultaneously and in agreement with Finland”. “This is a historic step that we are taking side by side with our brother country,” he said at a press conference with Niinistö in Stockholm.

The challenges posed by Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine meant “opportunities for consensus and deeper cooperation to stand together even more,” the monarch said. Niinistö explained: “Our security policy line has been a similar one for a long time. And even now, when the situation requires it, we are taking our steps together.”

Turkey puts the brakes on membership efforts

Most NATO countries have promised Finland and Sweden admission as soon as possible. However, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is blocking their accession to NATO, citing Finland’s and Sweden’s Kurdish policies.

NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg called on the allies to take Ankara’s demands seriously. “Turkey is a valued ally and all security concerns must be addressed,” Stoltenberg said on Monday evening after talks with Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu. “In this historic moment we must stand together.”

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