Deck chair gymnastics for connoisseurs in Haar – district of Munich

Every day the walker in the woods and meadows is faced with a pathetic picture. While you walk slowly and enjoyably, sit down on suitable benches – currently preferably in the shade – take a break at one or the other kiosk and treat yourself to a snack, there are quite a few people you seriously worry about. Despite their advanced age or despite a few kilos on their bodies, they have pressed themselves into tight sportswear and run through the midday heat. With thick wet patches on their backs, red faces and drops of sweat on their cheeks, they show no mercy to themselves. They don’t even indulge in the joys of nature, such as the chirping of birds or the rippling water of water, instead they listen to performance-enhancing music via headphones or listen to an audio book to double jog time.

The viewer has all sorts of chilling associations in the face of this torture. Not that you have anything against sports. But he should also be a little considerate, especially in a hot summer with 30 degrees and more. The adult education center in Haar recognized this in good time and included a real trendsetter in its program: deck chair gymnastics. Anyone who thinks that this is something like the stool exercises of senile seniors is wrong. It is simply an hour for connoisseurs. From 12 to 1 p.m. – a time when every Spaniard takes a siesta – the participants were allowed to stretch out in a deck chair last Friday. This is a good starting position, which also allows you to occasionally raise a leg, rotate an arm or stretch your fingers. It is also possible to close your eyes and imagine that you are on the beach of Tenerife and not on the Haarer Anger. The ice-cold melon as a final treat is not to be scoffed at either. #Beach chair gymnastics vhs hair is definitely trending. So more of that, the summer is still long.

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