Decision Tuesday on the appeal in cassation of Jawad Bendaoud

The Court of Cassation rules on Tuesday on the appeal of Jawad Bendaoud, sentenced for having housed two jihadists on November 13, 2015, an appeal which relates to the damages he was ordered to pay to the victims of the attacks. The high court, located a few meters from the courtroom built for this extraordinary trial, must also decide three appeals which question the status of a civil party in the anti-terrorism justice system, decisions which will have an impact on the trial, which has been open for five years. months, attacks that left 130 dead in Paris and Saint-Denis.

After a release, Jawad Bendaoud was sentenced on appeal in March 2019 to four years in prison. He had been found guilty of “harbouring of terrorist criminals” for having provided a squat where the coordinator of the jihadist attacks Abdelhamid Abaaoud and his accomplice Chakib Akrouh had retreated after the attacks. These two men died in the assault led by Raid police officers on November 18, 2015, with an accomplice and cousin of Abaaoud, Hasna Aït Boulhacen. The latter’s brother, Youssef Aït Boulahcen, had been sentenced to four years in prison for “non-denunciation of a terrorist crime”.

“A break in causality” for his lawyer

Jawad Bendaoud and Youssef Aït Boulahcen had been ordered to pay hundreds of thousands of euros to victims of the attacks and their families, to police officers, residents of the building and to the city of Saint-Denis, where the building is located. Both have lodged an appeal on points of law on this aspect, considering that these civil parties are not admissible. Youssef Aït Boulahcen is also contesting his prison sentence. The Paris Court of Appeal had ruled that the victims and their relatives should be compensated because the two men had delayed the arrest of the criminals, creating additional anxiety among these people to see new attacks occur.

Jawad Bendaoud’s lawyer said he was waiting for the Court of Cassation to “recognize the obvious. The intervention rue du Corbillon is a well-considered and deliberate choice of the police services. There is therefore a break in the causal link between the suffering endured by the victims of the attacks and the behavior of Mr. Bendaoud”, declared Mr. Xavier Nogueras.

“What is at stake is the final condemnation of all the people who helped the terrorists and who claim not to have to be condemned for the absence of denunciation of these crimes”, estimated Me Patrice Spinosi, lawyer at the Council of compensated victims. The Advocate General, whose role at the Court of Cassation is to defend the law, spoke out in favor of dismissing these appeals.

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